Wahiawa (Dual)
Camp Roberts (Dual) Croughton (Single) Ramstein (Single) Landstuhl (Dual) Lago di Patria (Dual) Riyadh (Single) Bahrain (Dual) Ft Buckner (Dual) Ft Detrick (Dual) Ft Meade (Dual) Ft Belvoir (Dual) Northwest (Dual) Ft Bragg (Single) MacDill (Single) Ft Monmouth (Testing) Ft Gordon (Training) |
The STEP program was developed in 1993 to resolve Commander-in-Chief (CINC) concerns about the lack of global access to standardized Defense Information Systems Network (DISN) services to support deployed Joint Task Forces (JTFs).
The Joint Staff has directed the Digital Communications Satellite Subsystem (DCSS) program to upgrade fifteen Defense Satellite Communications System (DSCS) entry points worldwide. Access to DISN services will be standardized and pre-positioned at each site.
On 20 December 1994, the Joint Staff, J-6, approved the DSCS STEP Design Plan, dated 7 October 1994.
The latest STEP Concept of Operations (CONOPS), dated 12 May 1998, was signed out by the Joint Staff Director for Command, Control, Communications, Computers and Intelligence (C4I) Systems.
Due to space limitations and equipment availability problems, the Communications and Electronics Command (CECOM) Space and Terrestrial Communications Directorate (S&TCD) began work to satisfy the STEP functions in a cost-effective, down-sized, card-level implementation. On 29 May 1997, the Multiplexer Integration and DCSS Automation System (MIDAS) contract was awarded to Raytheon Electronic Systems.